Remote Support

Step One

Download the remote support tool

Click either the Windows or the Mac buttons below to get started.

Please note that this service is charged as $60 per half hour.

If a prompt appears, please click the “Run” button to start the remote support tool.

Step Two

Allow the program to run

Click any Run, Yes, or Allow message to ensure that the remote support tool runs properly.

Step Three

Read out the code

Read out the 9-digit code the program gives you to us over the phone to allow us to connect

At VirtualCity, we offer a Remote Support service. This allows our technicians to securely see your screen and control your computer, and work with you to fix issues that need attention.

If you would like to book a time for a Remote Support Session, please contact us.

Please note that this service is charged at $70 per half hour.

Once downloaded, please wait for further instructions from your technician.